Feng Shui
A Feng-shui analysis of a place includes: Feng-Shui, Geobiology and Space Clearing.
The support is an express analysis that is there for those who do not have the financial means to invest in an in-depth expertise of their living space.
It's a good compromise that allows you at the same time to train yourself so that you can make the changes in your place yourself.
This support takes place remotely or on site in a single appointment. You have the possibility to add options and to modulate your express expertise at your convenience.
Topics covered during coaching:
- your element figure and its analysis, as well as for your family
- the orientations and elements that are favorable to you
- what change to make
- know if your place has geobiological problems
- have a solution for each problem of your place
In summary, an accompaniment brings you:
- personalized and customizable express expertise
- advice from an interior designer
- be trained in the basics of Feng-Shui
- improvement of your daily life
From 99.-
An analysis allows you to go further than an accompaniment, and is carried out in three stages and two appointments.
It is a more advanced work which is deepened on plan.
The analysis includes these three steps: Feng-Shui, Geobiology and Clarification advice (cleaning the memory of the walls).
The Feng-Shui part of the analysis allows us to know ourselves better: which elements correspond to us, which orientations and decorations are best suited to our well-being. This analysis makes it possible to discover what our place of life offers us and to see the problems.
It is a reflection and an art of living based on the fundamental principles of ancestral Chinese thought.
Geobiology takes into account geographical and telluric data: water and metals present underground.
It also reveals the location of electromagnetic waves, as well as geopathogenic points harmful to our health.
As for Space Clarification, it will allow you to appropriate your place and rebalance the energy of your living space.
From 10.-/m2
The options
During your support or expertise, you have the possibility of adding options.
- Option I - Taking information
You do not have the time, or you do not know how to take and provide all the information necessary for expertise or coaching, this option is for you. This includes: taking information with a questionnaire, photo of the place and the district as well as the compass measurement which must be imperatively correct so as not to mislead your analysis.
- Option P - Realization of plan
You do not have a suitable home plan or your plan is out of date.
- Option G - Analysis of electromagnetic waves (geobiology):
During your feng-shui analysis, Geobiology takes into account geographical and telluric data of your place.
But we can also know the impact of electromagnetic waves and wifi. This requires a trip, this analysis is not included in the basic price and is therefore the subject of an option.
All of these can ultimately affect your health and quality of life.
This complete analysis will allow you to take stock of all this data, and thus see how to improve your daily life and your health.
- Option D - PDF rendering folder:
A session is automatically recorded whether it is by you. But you have the possibility to have the file of your coaching or expertise.
- Option S - Follow-ups :
This meeting consists of taking stock of the changes you have made following my advice and answering any questions you may have. It takes place a few weeks and/or months after the rendering of your coaching or expertise.
- Option C- Certificate:
A certificate is provided to you after a completed expertise of the two recommended follow-ups.​
On demand